Earlier today we posted an article about St. Elmo's fire. If you haven't checked it out, do it now. Then, check out these videos of the electrical light show shot from airline cockpits. Enjoy!
If you have your instrument rating, you know there's nothing quite like breaking out of the clouds at minimums on an ILS. When you see those approach lights break through with the rabbit guiding you in, you feel like a pro - and you're flying like one.
You see an online ad from your local FBO advertising a special weekday rental rate on their Cessna 182. The ad says that if you rent the airplane for at least 5 hours in 30 days, the aircraft checkout is free (checkouts usually last 45 minutes).
You're a private pilot and you own an airplane. Your boss offers to pay for your fuel and tie-down on a business trip. Can you take the money? Check out the full scenario and tell us what you think.
Taking your Private Pilot check ride? You'll want to brush up on s-turns, which is one of three ground reference maneuvers your examiner can ask you to demonstrate. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need to do to pass the maneuver.
If you were giving a check ride and the applicant allowed a fuel imbalance to affect their takeoff, should they pass or fail? Read the scenario and vote below!
Taking your Private Pilot check ride? You'll want to brush up on turns around a point, which is one of three ground reference maneuvers your examiner can ask you to demonstrate. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need to do to pass the maneuver.
Yesterday, we wrote about what it's like to fly into Aspen, CO. Today, we're breaking down Aspen's airport by the numbers. As one of the highest airports in the US, Aspen has some very interesting statistics.
Welcome to the start of something awesome. Over the past year, we've been building training platforms, prototypes and our first course. Many of you have been cheering for us along the way.
What Causes Snow Pellets? Snow pellets, also known as graupel, form when supercooled water droplets freeze on a falling snowflake or ice crystal. As more droplets collect and freeze, they form a small, soft ball of ice. While snow pellets may seem like small hail, they're different. Unlike hail, snow pellets freeze into fragile, oblong shapes and usually break apart when they hit the ground.