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Can You Answer These 6 V-Speed Questions?

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How well do you know your V-Speeds?

  1. 1) Two Piper Cherokees take off from the exact same point on a runway. The airplanes are the exact same weight, with the same CG position. One climbs at Vx, the other at Vy. Which one will reach 1000' in the least amount of time?

    Vy is the best rate of climb speed, which means the Vy airplane will gain the most altitude in a given amount of time.

    Vy is the best rate of climb speed, which means the Vy airplane will gain the most altitude in a given amount of time.

  2. 2) If your aircraft's gross weight increases, your maneuvering speed (Va) _______.

    As gross weight increases, maneuvering speed also increases.

    As gross weight increases, maneuvering speed also increases.

  3. 3) The point on your airspeed indicator where the green and yellow arc meet is ______.

    Vno is the maximum structural cruising speed. Any speed above Vno should only be flown in smooth air.

    Vno is the maximum structural cruising speed. Any speed above Vno should only be flown in smooth air.

  4. 4) You're descending into an airport for landing. What's your maximum flaps extended speed?

    Vfe is your maximum flaps extended speed.

    Vfe is your maximum flaps extended speed.

  5. 5) As aircraft weight increases, stall speed in a landing configuration ______.

    As weight increases for an aircraft, stall speed (of any kind, Vs, Vso, etc.) also increases. This is why V speeds, like Vso, are calculated at the aircraft's maximum gross weight.

    As weight increases for an aircraft, stall speed (of any kind, Vs, Vso, etc.) also increases. This is why V speeds, like Vso, are calculated at the aircraft's maximum gross weight.

  6. 6) What speed will give you the most altitude gain in the shortest horizontal distance?

    Vx gives you the greatest altitude gain in the shortest horizontal distance. That's why it's typically the recommended climb speed when you have an obstacle beyond the departure end of the runway.

    Vx gives you the greatest altitude gain in the shortest horizontal distance. That's why it's typically the recommended climb speed when you have an obstacle beyond the departure end of the runway.

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