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8 Times You Should Go-Around During Landing

If something isn't working out, don't be afraid to go around and try again...

1) A Bad Bounce

During a bounce, it's not uncommon for you to hit the runway and be back in the air, 15 feet above the ground, wondering if you should save the landing or go-around. Instead of saving the landing, lower the nose slightly so you don't bounce any higher, add full power, and build speed during a gradual climb. Don't do this...

2) Flying Too Slow

Getting slow on the approach? Get that speed up right away or go-around and try again.


3) Flying Too Fast

If you're flying too fast in the pattern, you're putting yourself at risk for an unstabilized approach. If you can't reduce speed, consider going around to try again.


4) Floating

Floating occurs when pilots enter a flare with excessive airspeed and maintain a level or slightly nose-high attitude; the pilot waits and flies over much of the runway while the excess energy bleeds off in order to make a safe landing. Unless you're landing at a long runway, you should always avoid floating down the runway. It's a dangerous habit to form. Instead, go-around when you notice you're coming in over the runway too fast.

5) Wind Shear On Final

Wind shear occurs when winds rapidly change heading (from a headwind to a tailwind) without changing velocity. This leaves aircraft experiencing dangerous and extreme airspeed, attitude, altitude, and heading changes. Basically, it's not a great thing to have happen to you while you're traveling at 75+ knots a few feet above the ground.

As the wind shifts from a headwind to a tailwind, your airspeed decreases rapidly, causing a dramatic loss of lift. When this happens, there's no time to think about how to save the landing, just go-around.

6) Traffic Avoidance

Runway incursions are all too common, making them a top issue the FAA is addressing. Go missed if other traffic creates a conflict.

7) Overshooting Your Base-To-Final Turn

Overshooting final is a leading cause for accidents in the traffic pattern. If you're slow and over-banking during a base-to-final turn, an unrecoverable stall/spin at low altitude can happen.


8) Runway Conflicts

Other aircraft aren't the only thing to worry about on the airport. Vehicles, people, and wildlife can make equally challenging situations that require a go-around.


What else has forced you to go-around? Tell us in the comments below.

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