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Quiz: 6 Questions To See If You're Ready To Be A Private Pilot

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Are you ready to be a private pilot? Let's find out...

  1. 1) What is the universal aircraft emergency frequency?

    The universal aircraft emergency frequency, also called "guard," is 121.5 Your ELT will transmit over this frequency, and you can use it to make emergency radio communications. 

    The universal aircraft emergency frequency, also called "guard," is 121.5 Your ELT will transmit over this frequency, and you can use it to make emergency radio communications. 

  2. 2) In order maintain currency so you can carry passengers at night, you'll need to complete ______ in the preceding 90 days.

    In order to carry passengers at night, you'll need to have completed 3 landings and takeoffs to a full stop within the past 90 days between 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise. And for tailwheel aircraft, all landings need to be to a full stop, regardless of day or night. 

    In order to carry passengers at night, you'll need to have completed 3 landings and takeoffs to a full stop within the past 90 days between 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise. And for tailwheel aircraft, all landings need to be to a full stop, regardless of day or night.

  3. 3) The point where the green and yellow arc meet on an airspeed indicator is:
    Marek Cel

    That's Vno, or maximum structural cruising speed.

    Nope, it's Vno, or maximum structural cruising speed.

  4. 4) As an aircraft's weight increases, its stall speed ______.

    The heavier your aircraft, the higher the angle of attack it needs to fly to maintain altitude. Because of this, you're closer to the critical angle of attack at any airspeed, and you'll reach the critical angle of attack at a higher speed.

    The heavier your aircraft, the higher the angle of attack it needs to fly to maintain altitude. Because of this, you're closer to the critical angle of attack at any airspeed, and you'll reach the critical angle of attack at a higher speed.

  5. 5) You need to choose the climb speed that gets you the most altitude in the shortest horizontal distance. Which speed are you flying?

    That's right, Vx gets you the most altitude in the shortest horizontal distance. Vy? That's the most altitude over a given time.

    Vx gets you the most altitude in the shortest horizontal distance. Vy? That's the most altitude over a given time.

  6. 6) You're making a radio call to report 'abeam the numbers'. Which one of these positions is abeam the numbers?

    An aircraft is 'abeam' a fix, point, or object when that fix, point, or object is approximately 90 degrees to the right or left of the aircraft track. Abeam indicates a general position rather than a precise point.

    An aircraft is 'abeam' a fix, point, or object when that fix, point, or object is approximately 90 degrees to the right or left of the aircraft track. Abeam indicates a general position rather than a precise point.

Well, that was a tough quiz...

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